Stephanie Weiss


My name is Stephanie Weiss, and I am a self-taught artist and graphic designer living in Lenexa, Kansas. My artwork is inspired by my love of nature and animals. In each piece, I incorporate things I love (i.e. animals, plants, the moon, mushrooms, crystals, etc.) in a whimsical way to capture a moment of wonder or magic.

I enjoy creating in all mediums, such a watercolor, acrylic and even digital collage. I truly love anything that keeps art exciting and allows me to explore my creativity! This means my work varies greatly, but painting is my greatest passion. The pieces I am exhibiting currently are a blend of watercolor and ink pen. I draw the piece lightly in pencil first, then layer on watercolor. Once dry, I add detail using various ink pens.


I received my Reiki training in 2014 and I completed my Reiki Master training in 2019. Occasionally I take clients, but I mainly focus the Reiki into my artwork by setting the intention that the healing energy goes where it is needed to achieve the highest good.


I have been loosely studying astrology since I was young, but decided to kick it up a notch in 2016 and have since read over 100 books on the subject. In early 2019 I enrolled in a professional astrology course through The Astrology School and began seeing clients. In 2020 I began working for Heather Eland (Astrology with Heather) as Social Media Manager which has further expanded my astrological knowledge. My passion is helping people understand themselves and what is occurring in their lives with astrology, either in the natal chart or by other predictive techniques, such as transits and solar returns. My books are currently closed while I focus on my art and create my own Tarot deck. 


I have been fascinated by the images on the tarot since I was 19, but it wasn’t until 2012 that I took up studying Tarot seriously. I began reading for myself at that time and have been reading tarot for my clients since 2015. My style for reading tarot is very positive and uplifting. Even when the cards are more serious, I look at them through a positive lense to help my client see what can be gained through challenging experiences. I use the cards in combination with my intuition and my knowledge of astrology and other esoteric symbols, while setting the intention for my client’s highest good. My books are currently closed while I focus on my art and create my own Tarot deck. 

For my most recent work, follow me on my social media via the buttons below!